Na české menu tudy.
Hi, we are Etapa...
Our executive chef is nature and its season. We strive to ensure that what we all eat is only made of the purest and freshest ingredients.
So we are surrounded by farmers from all over the country, to bring to your table exactly what we really stand for and what we would like to get ourselves.
Here is our selection of the best ones who help us create our Etapa: Krasolesí farm, Utopie, Kojibakers, Marmeládový mlýn, Struhy farm, Diviš farm, Vejce od Želivky farm, Olejový mlýn Petráveč, Venkovská zahrada, Oceterie, farmhouse Cidlina, Krišnův dvůr, beekeeping T. Bystřický and many small growers from Hala 22.
Straight to the drinks | Straight to the ingredients
From 9:00 to 11:30
Small meals
The price includes a box (10 kč).
Alergens: 1, 7
Whole day
The price inludes a box (15 kč).
Alergens: 1, 3, 6, 7, 9
Znáte náš vývar do hrníčku?
Pokud ano, tak ho určitě musíte zkusit vylepšený o zeleninu a sýr. Vzniklo z toho…
Alergens: 6,7,9
The price includes a box (15 czk).
Alergens: A: 1 (topinka) zbytek poptejte u obsluhy
From 11:30
V týdnu podáváme od 11:30 a o víkendech od 12:30.
V ceně je zahrnuta krabička (15kč)
Alergens: 1,3,7
Sweet meals
Five of our top desserts on one board:
- zucchini cake with sweet potato creem (vegan)
- carrot cake…
Alergens: 1, 3, 5, 7, 8
Máme tu pro vás novou zimní novinku.
Bez lepku a laktózy
Alergens: 6,11
Pastry (permanent offer)
Pastry (if you're lucky)
Nic si nenecháváme pro sebe. Suroviny a naše produkty, ze kterých vaříme si můžete u nás koupit.
85 CZK
65 CZK
77 CZK
75 CZK
85 CZK
95 CZK
95 CZK
135 CZK
+ 11 CZK
+ 13 CZK
Some like it hot
Ice ice baby
Signature drinks
contains gluten
Natural wines & Bubbles
Red wine
Masot - Merlot Why not 1 dcl | 155 CZKWhite wines
Oveja - Blanca Dry Muscat 1 dcl | 135 CZKSparkling wine
Whole bottle
Sparkling natural wine
Masot - Frizazante Bianco - bottle | 550 CZK"Because happy occasions deserve their own bottle"
....Signature drinks
125 CZK
135 CZK